We create video stories. Stories that move, inspire, teach.
We help people tell their stories. We create video for business, education, television, Universities, Schools, Churches, Not-for-Profits, Fundraisers…
Our speciality is telling stories... with a purpose
Drop us a note to discuss your project: rob@roborrproductions.com
This short tribute on the pioneering neonatal surgeon, Dr. Harrison was part of an awards event.
Personal Bio
Rob Orr has broad international experience in film and video production. He works as producer, director, cameraman, and editor. While based in Chicago, he has served on many on corporate communication projects for a diverse client list: Abbott, Fed Ex, McDonald’s, Kraft, HSBC, Zurich to name a few. Has served as segment producer for an eight part PBS series on American architecture and served as Director of Photography for multiple Smithsonian World broadcasts. Has produced projects for education, advocacy and not-for-profits. He taught Film Studies at Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois for 10 years; Was awarded a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship for studies in feature film production in West Germany; The world is our stage. Video production has taken him to more than 80 countries.
A selfie shooting with our Sony FS7.
Find out about our organization and passion for our work. We pride ourselves on delivering for our customers.
We can Help
Video is the fastest way to share information. Let us help you. We will gladly discuss strategies for your project, provide a budget and help get your story to your audience.